Quest:The Book Thieves of Deepscrave

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The Book Thieves of Deepscrave
Level 133
Type Solo
Starts with Sack of Books
Starts at Deepscrave
Ends with Rúni
Ends at Aslíf
End Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [50.1S, 117.1W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Deepscrave
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

A sack full of books being carried by a goblin? What could the creatures be up to?


Goblins have been stealing books from Gundabad, but why?

Objective 1

  • Collect a sack

Durshulot Book-nabbers can be found in Deepscrave.

Some of the goblins of Deepscrave seem to be carrying lumpy sacks. You should investigate their contents.

Objective 2

Lore-master Rúni can be found in Aslíf in Deepscrave.

You found a sack of books on one of the goblins in Deepscrave, one of which is an Angmarim book about dragons. Bring the sack of books to Lore-master Rúni.

Rúni: 'Well met! What have you found?'
You hand him the sack of books.
'Goblins are not really known to be collectors of books or avid readers, are they? A scout returned earlier with a similar story to yours. Apparently they are collecting books on behalf of someone named Gâdh! I am incredibly curious to know what they have been up to!'